I've been waiting a long time to be able to even articulate what it means to have an energetic home, to me it is summed up in one of my tag lines 'Let's create paradise'.
Because paradise is not a fad that falls away, it is an ideal, a desire that connects directly to the deepest parts of ourselves that yearns for more, not more 'stuff' but more connection to your environment and its beauty.
What is paradise to you?
This might spark the typical scenario of a tropical island for example, with the warm sun and soft beach, clear waters and the smell of sunscreen. So pay attention to the feeling that creates. First key word is warm. You are comfortable and have access to the sun, the next is soft, texturally this is important. Clear water to me is like windows and a play on light and the smell is lifestyle and your home supporting the things you love to do.
You are reflected in this amazing space that you are in and it helps you connect to your own beauty.
We are meant to live in beautiful spaces.
Because beautiful spaces is where we come from. the forest, desert, coast, wildflowers, tropics, snow and rivers.
Life is an art form and it is meant to look different for everyone.
Designing the space you live in is so much more than how it looks but how it serves all your senses and the life you desire to create.
When it comes to paradise, sustainability is relevant because we need to look after the true paradise that is nature and even build on it with the use of our own gardens.
One thing I like to bring up when it comes to the term sustainability is the focus on things being 'renewable, recyclable, or recycled, which is amazing and we have come so far in this area. The challenge however is longevity vs the above. Something made with heart and soul with hands not machines leaves more of an energetic print and is more likely to be cherished, celebrated, looked after and made to last. This usually equals a budget but there is always room to bring these energies into your home via art, ceramics, one off furniture pieces and more.
Another key word is authenticity. But I could write a whole blog only on this and actually will come to think of it..
Authenticity is relevant because if you are following trend because you think that it looks great and your friends will love it - without knowing yourself if you actually love it? Chances are you will be looking to update it within the next decade when its not so hot anymore.
So what is paradise to you? What does your ideal life at home look/feel like?
What environments do you desire to experience?
Let your yearning drive your inspiration and create the life of YOUR dreams.
Have a fabulous day designing your life
Lauren Shiels - The Healing Spaces Project.